Additional driving license information in Northern Cyprus

Additional driving license information in Northern Cyprus

A d d i t i o n a l   d r i v i n g   l i c e n s e   i n f o r m a t i o n   i n   N o r t h e r n   C y p r u s

It is good to know that in Cyprus, the car’s steering wheel is on the right side and people drive on the left side of the road, just like in England. Driving license in Northern Cyprus is the official document issued in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to authorize its holder to operate various types of motor vehicle on public roads. The official website for registering is The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus drivers licenses can be obtained by TRNC citizens and citizens of other nations if they have a residency permit. Without either citizenship or a residency permit, TRNC licenses cannot be obtained. TRNC car and motorcycle licenses can be obtained at the age of 18, following a theory and practical exam on public roads. Despite the TRNC being an internationally unrecognized state, TRNC licenses are valid for use worldwide for the time frame set by the relevant country, as are all other licenses. Since the opening of the border checkpoints in Cyprus, the Republic of Cyprus accepts TRNC issued licenses as valid for use on their roads for 12 months. Republic of Cyprus licenses are also valid for use in the TRNC for 12 months, and are treated in the same manner as any other internationally issued licenses would be. The TRNC issues their licenses in the form of a license card, rather than on paper. Turkish and English are the languages used on the license card.


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