Jobs Opportunities for Students

Jobs Opportunities for Students

J o b s   O p p o r t u n i t i e s   f o r   S t u d e n t s


One of the good countries that is suitable and affordable for students is North Cyprus. Depending on the desired study program of the applicant, the university tuition in North Cyprus starts from 2100 euros annually. Also, the cost of living in North Cyprus as a student is between 350 and 600 euros per month. Every international student can work up to 20 hours a week. It can be said that by working in part time jobs, students can cover part of their expenses. Students who apply for a job are required to have a "work permit" from their employer.

Conditions for working as a student

Students who are applying for jobs are required to have a "work permit" from their employer. Every student in Northern Cyprus can have a part time job and can work up to 20 hours a week next to her/his studies. Students can work in universities, shopping stores, cafes, restaurants, etc. Students must pay attention to this that since a part-time work permit is not mentioned in their student visa, then they are required to obtain a student work permit. This form of "work permit" is issued to international students who want to have a job. Like other "work permits", the employer is responsible to take this permit from the related authorities. Every manager or business owner is allowed to hire a student for work, but the total number of students working in that place must be less than half of all the employees of that company or organization. A student with a work permit cannot work in casinos, clubs, or businesses related to gambling and betting.

Relevant documents for obtaining a "student work permit"

•              Student Visa

•              Passport

•              Student timetable

•              The employment contract with the signature of the employer (manager) + the student's signature

Both the employer (manager) and the student are required to sign the contract after obtaining a "work permit" from the Immigration Department. Both the employer and the student must follow the terms and conditions of the contract. The contract and the above documents will be sent to the employment office of that region. If the employment office agrees with the contract, it will be approved and if it is against, it will not be accepted.

Types of student jobs

Due to the touristic environment of this country, there are good job opportunities for students in this field, such as hotels, restaurants, casinos, etc. Jobs like marketing, real estate agent, lawyer and investing are popular here as well. Students can also get a part time job as an vehicle purchase specialist, accountant assistant , publications and articles writer, search engine optimization specialist, website specialist, writer (in different languages such as French / English / Turkish / Russian and Arabic), social media content producer, driver, programmer.

Different ways to find a job

Like other countries, the applicant can find a job on the internet and virtual spaces in North Cyprus. Following we will review some of the websites that can help you to find a job.








We can say that 6 euros is equal to 1 hour of working. Basically, due to the suitable cost of living in this country, students can cover a part of their expenses by having a part time job. The salary is between 200 to 315 dollars for students. It must be noted that this amount has a direct relation with the working environment, working hours, and working method.

Finding job after graduation

Students can find a job according to their field of study, and they can work full-time in that job after completing their education. Keep in mind that it would be better that the applicant prove herself/himself to her/his manager. After that the student can apply for Northern Cyprus residency. One of the factors that can help students find a job is knowing Turkish and after that English language. If a student becomes fluent in Turkish during her/his studies, she/he will have more job opportunities after finishing her/his education. There are places in most universities of North Cyprus that guide students to get a job and get a residence after completing their studies. As a result, most of the students start working in this lovely island after 3 months of finishing their education. Also, students can participate in language learning classes in this country and obtain relevant information in order to get residency in other countries.





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