Migration to the Northern Cyprus

Migration to the Northern Cyprus

M i g r a t i o n   t o   t h e   N o r t h e r n   C y p r u s

North Cyprus is like a launching pad to the continent of Europe and America. Starting a life in North Cyprus with standard and affordable costs, and staying on this island is simpler and easier than in European countries. Did you know that you can enter North Cyprus without a visa and only having an airport visa is enough? Another good thing is that the universities of North Cyprus do not require IELTS or TOEFL and you can easily get admission to your intended university just by participating and passing the English language entrance exam.All the good points above are only a small part of the advantages of North Cyprus besides its safety, temperate climate, growing economy, etc.

General information about North Cyprus
This island is the third largest island in the Mediterranean. It was occupied by different governments over 2000 years ago and now it can be seen with the presence of numerous historical places. Most of the population of North Cyprus is Muslim and its population reaches 326,000 people. The Main business of the lovely island is tourism. The language of the people here is Turkish, and it should be noted that the people are familiar with this language. The schools of this island teach English to their students as well. Turkey is a huge supporter of this island and its official currency is lira. Turkish banks operate in this country besides Cypriot banks, and banking transactions between these two countries are easy. For those students who want to continue their education, we recommend Famagusta, Lefkosa and Kyrenia cities. Lefkosa (North Nicosia) is known as the capital and the largest city in Northern Cyprus. Kyrenia is a city of civilizations where people lived for many years and now ithas many historical places and castles and it is located at the north part of the island. According to the climatic and geographical conditions of North Cyprus island, this island has a mild, Mediterranean climate with humidity. According to the climatic and geographical conditions of North Cyprus, this island has a temperate, Mediterranean climate with humidity. North Cyprus is a good place and option for those who love summer fun activities.

Different types of immigration to North Cyprus
Entering North Cyprus has an easy process. There are different types of visas such as student visa, job visa, getting a visa by purchasing a property, getting visa by registering a company, getting visa by investing and marriage. One of the good laws of North Cyprus is that applicants over 60 do not need any visa and can live in this country completely legally.

Immigration through education
The cost of immigration through education is affordable. Every year the schools and universities of this country attract many students from all over the world due to their good global ranking, approved and internationally valid degrees, good quality of education, different facilities, good professors, good educational environment, etc. Also, students can easily get admission for their intended study program from any university just by participating in the English language entrance exam and passing it, and also they do not need any IELTS or TOEFL certificates. Among the other advantages of studying in North Cyprus, we can mention that all universities offer different types of scholarships to their applicants and it can help students with their tuition fees. To start getting a student visa, you must first get an acceptance letter from your university. In the second step, you should go to the North Cyprus embassy in your country and present requested documents such as passport, application form, bank account, etc. Once your study visa is issued and you enter the island, after 90 days you are required to apply for permission to stay on the island (residence permit). Following, we will review the required documents.

The original passport with a copy.
The original of the last academic degree.
The original of the latest academic transcripts.
Original translation of the last academic degree.
The original translation of the latest academic transcripts.
4 photos.
Filling the application form.
Criminal record letter.
Financial ability.
University acceptance letter.
Immigration through work permit
Another way to enter North Cyprus is to have a job visa. It's important to know that if you want to work in North Cyprus, you need to know Turkish or English. In the first step, the applicant must find an employer who can issue a job visa for her/him. After that, the applicant's employer must send her/him a job invitation so that the applicant can present them to the embassy along with other requested documents.
Documents for job visa
Financial ability
The official contract of renting the applicant's house in the North Cyprus
Work invitation from the employer
Filled application form
Criminal record letter
Immigration through investment
The climatic and geographical conditions of Northern Cyprus have made it a unique place in the Mediterranean Sea. Foreign investments have contributed to the development of this country's economy and thanks to them the economy is getting better day after day. Applicants who want to register a company in North Cyprus should keep in mind that two people are needed for this and one of whom must be from North Cyprus. The Turkish Cypriot individual gets 51% of the shares and the applicant gets 49% of the shares according to the official laws of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. This is when the applicant wants to start registering her/his company in the field of construction or real estate. Following, we will review the steps to register a company in North Cyprus. 
Type of activity
Copies of passports of all shareholders
Disciplinary certificate
Company name
Depositing an amount to one of the banks in Northern Cyprus, which is usually equal to 100 thousand dollars.
The applicant can obtain permanent residence in Northern Cyprus after 1-2 years from the date of company registration. Also the applicants can register the company without their physical presence. 
Immigration through purchase of property
Purchasing a property is the easiest way to get a residency. Also, getting residency by purchasing a property is considered one of the subgroups of investment. In order to get North Cyprus residency, you must buy a property worth at least 40 thousand GBP and at least you need to pay 30% of the amount. Obtaining permanent residence through property purchasing is done when the applicant did not go outside the country for more than 80 days in 5 years. If the applicant has a criminal record, he/she cannot buy a property in Northern Cyprus.
Required document for getting residency by purchasing a property
Original passport + copy of all its pages.
Family member ID card with their original translation.
4 photos 4x6.
The original translation of the marriage certificate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stamp.
Criminal record letter.
Immigration through marriage
Another way to migrate! If a person marries a person who was born in Northern Cyprus and is considered a Turkish Cypriot, not only can she/he get the passport of this country, but also she/he can apply for the residence of her/his parents or children. The required documents are the passport of the couple, financial ability, official rental agreement or official house purchase document, marriage certificate, a certificate that shows the couple haven't married before or a copy of divorce (if they had a divorce before).
Immigration by birth
Children who have Turkish Cypriot parents will become permanent citizens of this country without going through any process. Also, if the nationality of the parents is unknown, the new born at the country's discretion can have the citizenship of this country, but she/he has to have been in this country for the first 5 years of her/his life. 
Immigration by tourist visa
Getting this type of visa is very easy. If you are planning to visit North Cyprus, do not doubt that you will capture many memorable moments for yourself, your friends and family. At Ercan Airport (the airport of Northern Cyprus), questions will be asked in the customs department and according to the answer, your tourist visa will be issued immediately. Keep in mind that one of the important things is to show your return ticket to the airport officer otherwise, you will not be granted a visa. A 30-90 days tourist visa is given to tourists who stay in hotels for their trip to this island. Also a 60-day visa is given to tourists who live in the houses of their friends and relatives and a 90-day visa is given to people who travel to the island for business or an event.
Suitable cities for immigrants
Lefkosa, the largest city and the capital of North Cyprus, plays a very important role. It is one of the desirable and suitable items for living. All the main buildings in this country are located in this city. Also Kyrenia is another suitable option for living. The things that make this city special are its historical places and great weather. 
Getting a passport
Applicants can apply for a passport of this country who have worked in one place for 12 years in a row or have lived in the island for 10 years. Northern Cyprus passports have different types. Obtaining this passport is suitable for people who intend to travel to other countries without a visa. In the process of getting a Northern Cyprus passport, your Turkish or English language, your income, and your job will be checked.








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