Recommendation Letter

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There are many applicants who want to continue their education abroad. People who are in the process of immigration through education are familiar with academic recommendation letters. Following we will review this subject, specifically. 
As you can see the word “recommendation letter” means a professional person’s recommendation such as professors, teacher, vice-chancellor of the university, etc. about the applicant. This letter shows the applicant’s status and performance, discipline, manner, etc from the perspective of the mentioned people above. This letter includes a seal and sign and it has a high authenticity.
We can say that a “recommendation letter” plays an important role for applicants who want to apply for a university. Also, this letter helps the related authorities to act more wisely with accepting applicants.

There are different recommendation letters such as:
Recommendation Letter for PhD.
Recommendation letter forgetting a scholarship.
Recommendation letter for Bachelor and Master.
Recommendation letter for applying for a job such as assistant professor.
Recommendation letter for college.

The effect of writing a proper recommendation letter
A great resume can really help the applicants with their university admission. It must be mentioned again that a recommendation letter is a highly valuable letter that shows the applicant’s manner, discipline, performance and competency. Once the university receives this letter, the related authority can get a better decision on applicant’s acceptance. 

Recommendation letter advantages are:
It will increase the applicant’s dignity and value.
Approval of the applicant from different aspects by professors and other authorities. 
The letter shows the professors and other authorities (in the field of education) opinion about the applicant’s competency, talent, etc.
If the applicant wants to apply for bachelorette or master's from Canadian universities, they shall present 3 recommendation letters from the high authorities to the university beside their resume and transcripts. (Keep in my mind that this is the case for most universities in Canada). Canadian universities tend to have expert individuals' opinions about the applicant. Also some universities present professors a recommendation letter form with their special format and ask them to fill that form out. 

Qualified individuals who can write a recommendation letter
Applicants who want to have a strong and good recommendation letter must act wisely in choosing the right person for writing that letter because writing a proper letter plays a major role. At first the applicant must identify the right persons. They can discuss with their professors regarding this subject and announce their request. The applicant must make sure that the professor completely knows her/him and that the professor is totally aware of the applicant’s ability and talent. It would be better that the applicant ask the professor who has a good relationship with her/him. For example if you are applying for dentistry, then it would be better to ask your dental professors to write a recommendation letter. The applicant can also ask the president or vice president of the university regarding this subject. Note that the person who writes the recommendation letter for you can have an effect on your acceptance. Try to avoid choosing people (professors, etc.) who you are not familiar with. To boost up the letter, it would be better that before a related person starts writing it, the applicant writes down her/his talents, abilities and positive points.

Parts of a recommendation letter
Brief introduction about the applicant.
Applicant’s capabilities and positive points.
Characteristics of the applicant that the professor would appreciate.
Name and surname, stamp, signature and contact details.
Writing the last words and also writing about “why the applicant deserves to be accepted in the intended university”?
How to writing a recommendation letter
Identify your audience and mention their full name at the beginning of your letter. If you want to use your letter as a multipurpose one, it would be better to use the word “To Whom It May Concern” at the beginning of it.
A short introduction of the applicant and her/his effects on you, etc., and why you are writing this letter for her/him. Your writing regarding the above items can easily attract the opinion of the person who is reading this letter.
After that, you must write about the applicant’s capabilities, competences, strengths, manner, discipline and diligence. If the applicant has a resume in the field of invention or a specific subject, be sure to mention it to increase the effectiveness of this letter.
In this step you must write about how the applicant attracted your attention during her/his studies. Use strong and positive details as much as you can because it will help the applicant’s chances of acceptance.
Now, you should explicitly ask the desired university to accept the student according to the above explanations and briefly write the reasons why the university must accept the applicant. At the end, write your contact information (the person who writes this letter).
Finish your letter with words such as, best regards as well as your first and last name, stamp and signature.
Keep in mind that the recommendation letters for master's degrees should be at most 1 page (A4), containing 300-400 words and for PhD, it must be between 1 and 2 pages (A4), containing 300 to 600 words. Generally, it would be better that the recommendation letter is 1 page. Remember that some universities have word limits and they inform you about it.

How to send a recommendation letter
There are three ways of sending. 
Online: A person who wants to write a recommendation letter for an applicant must first enter the website of the intended university and then type her/his letter in the “Recommendation Letter “section and send it.
Email: Some universities do not have the “Recommendation Letter “ option on their website. As a result, the writer can type the letter for the applicant’s intended university and send it to the related email of the university.
Once the writer has written the recommendation letter  with her/his signature and official stamp, the applicant can send the letter by post to her/his intended university postal address. 
It must be noted that the United States requires recommendation letters in all educational levels and it is good to know that people who have this letter are more preferable.
Important things in writing a recommendation letter
Normally, the student can not see her/his recommendation letter.
This letter is sent by the writer directly to the related official.
It is recommended that the applicant provide all the positive points and information to the writer. 
The letter should have a standard content and be written politely and intelligently. Do not try to use hard-literary words. This letter must be meaningful. 
For instance if you want to get admission in medicine, try to choose one of the professors of this field for writing  your letter.
Recommendation letters have their own literature. Before sending your letter make sure that you discussed with those who have expertise related this subject and edit the letter if it had any mistakes. 
If the recommendation letter is to be sent to the university postal address, then it would be better if the writer signs the envelope. Remember that the recommendation letter, besides having the writer's signature, an official seal and an official letterhead, must have the name and surname of the writer, email, contact information, address of the writer and how much she/he knows about the applicant. Also, the author's position should be written. 


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