Founder & Board Chairman of Javadi Holding and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Tliman Lyx Investment International

F o u n d e r   &   B o a r d   C h a i r m a n   o f   J a v a d i   H o l d i n g   a n d   C h i e f   E x e c u t i v e   O f f i c e r   ( C E O )   o f   T l i m a n   L y x   I n v e s t m e n t   I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Richard  Javadi
Founder and Board Chairman
of Javadi Holding Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Tliman Lyx Investment Internationa
He was born on September 21th, Tehran, Iran. Graduated in Social Planning from Azad University of Jahrom. When he was 9, he started to like earning money by himself. Considering a kid, he was so creative and had unbelievable potential.
Step by step he obtained more success in the business and after several years, when he was young, he decided to migrate. He wanted to improve, although he was a successful person, but he was not satisfied. He wanted more success, he wanted to fly. That's why he decided to move to Sweden. ‘’ I knew I had to learn the language, otherwise I wouldn't Grow so I learned Swedish in just 8 Months “said Richard. After several years, he decided to run his business.
He established Javadi Holding in 2013. Today Javadi Holding has 10 sub branches. With his great resume, 2-time member of municipal council of Stockholm, owning 10 subway restaurants and 2 Mexican franchise restaurants called Paco’s, Javadi Holding has achieved one more success in the business world but this time in North Cyprus. TLIMAN Investment Company. With the management of Richard and his professional crew, this company will grow soon for sure. It is both an honor and a privilege to be able to provide You the Prime things and always remember that you deserve the best.



Phone number: +46 70 - 723 84 64

Send email: [email protected]

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