Cooperation between NEU in North Cyprus and the Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Cooperation between NEU in North Cyprus and the Tehran University of Medical Sciences

C o o p e r a t i o n   b e t w e e n   N E U   i n   N o r t h   C y p r u s   a n d   t h e   T e h r a n   U n i v e r s i t y   o f   M e d i c a l   S c i e n c e s

According to the signing of the cooperation agreement between IUMS and NEU, all study programs under the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education of that university will be conducted in Cyprus, and the admission of Iranian applicants will be under the supervision of the Iran University of Medical Sciences and following the rules and regulations announced by the service department. The graduation documents of students who have not met the relevant criteria cannot be evaluated.2- Joint courses between the Iran University of Medical Sciences and Near Eastern University are being planned and launched.


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