The latest information about the Grand Isias Hotel

The latest information about the Grand Isias Hotel

T h e   l a t e s t   i n f o r m a t i o n   a b o u t   t h e   G r a n d   I s i a s   H o t e l

Four people have been arrested in connection with the collapse of the Isias Hotel in Adıyaman which claimed the lives of 12 Turkish Cypriot teenage volleyball players and a number of tourist guides.According to a statement by the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, “An immediate investigation has been initiated regarding the aforementioned hotel managers, and all necessary investigations and investigations are carried out meticulously. Within the scope of the investigation, the hotel managers, Ahmet Bozkurt, Efe Bozkurt, Amine Bozkurt and Şule Özbek, have been arrested and they have been transferred to Adıyaman province for the necessary procedures. Our work continues meticulously for other possible suspects/suspects and all precautions have been taken“.It was alleged that the owner of the Grand Isias Hotel, Ahmet Bozkurt, was caught while fleeing to Georgia.


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